Welcome to Senior Capstone Class, CSCE 492 Spring 2025!
Please read the 492 Syllabus. Announcements and discussions take place in our Github Team Discussion at @492Spring2025. Our GitHub organization is github.com/SCCapstone.
What You Need to Do on the First Week of Classes¶
Watch the welcome video above.
Read the 492 Syllabus.
If you did not take 490 last semester then email me your GitHub username on the first day of classes. I will assign you to a team. See the new team member assignment section of the Syllabus.
"Watch" our SCCapstone Discussion repo for important announcements.
See the deadlines page for all the deadlines for this semester. Start working on your Milestones.
Prospective clients should visit our client page to learn how you can submit your project idea to the Capstone class for next August.
Graduation with Distinction¶
Did you know this course is on an approved list for Graduation with Leadership Distinction (GLD)? Do you plan to engage in research, study abroad, internships, community service, or social advocacy? If so, you could be eligible to graduate with leadership distinction. Meet with a GLD Advisor to learn more and consider ways to get involved at USC through the My USC Experience database. You’ll earn special graduation cords and have your achievements recognized on your transcript and diploma. Demonstrate to graduate/professional schools and future employers how you can apply course concepts in real world settings and apply what you learned to make decisions and solve problems!
Commit: a033637