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Pickup Sports App

The Pickup Sports App will allow people to communicate with other people in their area to meet up and play different sports together (think: Tinder for sports).

An Android app built with Android, Firebase..

Website  Repository 


The Pickup Sports App will allow people to communicate with other people in their area to meet up and play different sports together (think: Tinder for sports). People will be able to pick a sport and a radius around them to search for other people that want to play that sport. A map will be displayed showing the user what sports are where. Users can also message other users in the same activity as them to coordinate where/when to meet.

Key Features

  • To use the app, you must sign in with Google Sign-In.
  • The first time you use a map, the app will prompt you to enable GPS. For the app to function properly, GPS MUST be enabled.
  • Events have a sport, time, location, and list of players.
  • The whole point of the app is to connect and meet new people to play sports with. Don’t use the app if you don’t plan on showing up to events you join


Andres Pineda, Caleb Conner, Julian Hong, Benjamin Kronemeyer, Ryan Staudt.

This is a startup project.


Last update: May 27, 2021