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Weekly Report Milestone

Due Date

Due Date : Every Sunday starting with 2024-09-08
Grading: Individual


At all times your repo should have exactly one open Issue titled "Weekly report YYYY-MM-DD" where YYYY-MM-DD is the next Sunday, with label:question, and assigned to each person in the team. So, it should look something like this:

As you work on stuff during the week you will write a short comment in this Issue explaining what you did. The comments can be very short, just one sentence is OK. Each person must write their own comment. You cannot write one for someone else in your team. Feel free to use GitHub's Issue features to add references to the specific Issue, commit-hash, or URL of page you've been working on.

Once you start using Issues, your comment can be as simple as "Closed #33. Started work on #43"

If you did nothing in a particular week you are still required to report it: "Nothing this week." I expect most will have some weeks like that.

On that Sunday, or before, that Issue should be closed and another one added for next Sunday. Any comments you make on the Issue after its Sunday will not count for the grade. However, I will look at them when calculating your Personal Contribution grade so, make sure you do go back and say what did that week even if you do it after the deadline.

I recommend the team choose someone to be in charge of creating the new Issue every week.

Always use "I" when describing the work you did, never "we". Say "I implemented ... ", "I read...", etc. If you say "we implemented xyz" then I have no idea how much work you actually did, if any. People sometimes use "we" when they want to take credit for their teammates' work.

The goals of this weekly report are:

  1. Communication. Let me and your team know what you are up to. Everyone in your team will get a Notification about it since you are all "watching" your own repo.
  2. Record-keeping. Maintain a record of the work each person has done. I use it to calculate the Personal Contribution grade for each person.

The title for all the Issues for 490 this year are (NOTE: prepend a 0 if only 1 digit):

Weekly Report 2024-09-08
Weekly Report 2024-09-15
Weekly Report 2024-09-22
Weekly Report 2024-09-29
Weekly Report 2024-10-06
Weekly Report 2024-10-13
Weekly Report 2024-10-20
Weekly Report 2024-10-27
Weekly Report 2024-11-03
Weekly Report 2024-11-10
Weekly Report 2024-11-17
Weekly Report 2024-11-24
Weekly Report 2024-12-01
Weekly Report 2024-12-08

then for 492 they are:

Weekly Report 2025-01-19
Weekly Report 2025-01-26
Weekly Report 2025-02-02
Weekly Report 2025-02-09
Weekly Report 2025-02-16
Weekly Report 2025-02-23
Weekly Report 2025-03-02
Weekly Report 2025-03-09
Weekly Report 2025-03-16
Weekly Report 2025-03-23
Weekly Report 2025-03-30
Weekly Report 2025-04-06
Weekly Report 2025-04-13
Weekly Report 2025-04-20
Weekly Report 2025-04-28 #last one is on Monday


  1. A "Weekly report YYYY-MM-DD" Issue for every Sunday in the semester.
  2. Your comment on every one of those issues.


The grade is based on whether or not you wrote your contribution before the deadline. Points are taken off for each week you miss.

Writing something on the Issue after its Sunday does not count for the Weekly Report grade. However, I will read them all when calculating your Personal Contribution grade. Also, your team will appreciate it. So, you will want to go back and write about the work you did. Note that each comment is timestamped by GitHub.

Only comments written by you, using your account, count. Remember that using a teammate's GitHub account is cheating in this class.

Short comments are OK. I assume your team is using some other method for communicating details (face-to-face, chat, etc). But, be specific. Say "I read about vue.js and react" instead of "I read about some javascript libraries".