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For this project we are working with the Advising Center at the University of South Carolina to create a waiting list type web application. This application is mainly focusing on drop-in appointments with the advising center. These drop in appointments can easily become a hassle and we are mainly focusing on an application that will allow for the students (customers of the client) who are coming in for appointments to not have to wait copious amounts of time within the waiting room itself. This applications is aiming to give the students estimated times and notifications of their upcoming appointment time so that they may leave the waiting room of the advising center if they wish to do so. This application will also aim to help the client run more efficiently with them being able to better keep track of what students are still waiting, how long they have been waiting and not having to worry about students who leave before their appointment.

It was developed by Bao Li, Ryan Morvay, Edward Pace, Cory Redmond, Run Liang.

The client for this project was Collin Stout, Major Change Adviser, University Advising Center

Website this Webapp
GitHub Repo

Last update: November 1, 2018