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Upload and publicize your art.

A mobile app built with ionic.

Website Repository


A prevalent issue artists face is the struggle to make a consistent and stable living from their work. There are many excellent artists out there yet a sparse number of consumers who will buy their art. Only certain top-tier artists gain widespread popularity and a solid income. This app is a means for aspiring artists to upload their art and gain a following. Many social media apps allow people to share their art, but this is masked by all the other things one can do on social media.

Here Comes Our Idea

Our app lets users post just their art, find and become friends with other artists, explore other beautiful artwork, and chat with fellow creatives! Atelier doesn’t just let you connect and explore the amazing world of art, but it also lets aspiring creatives list a price for their work and connect with interested buyers, collectors and collaborators through our chat feature so that passionate artists can turn their heart-felt work into a product. The opportunity to get recognized in their community and truly experience appreciation for their work in multiple ways is just another cherry on the top.


Adiv Sivakumar, Gurinder Bahra, Ishita Thumati, Mercy Barigala, Saipriya Sairam.

This is a startup project.
